18 May 2007

terribly cold in here...

photo courtesy of mohsin hassanshould be sleeping...work in three hours. why am i not? god knows. just how it all plays out sometimes. i'm finding myself fighting with things no one else can see, which means most of them think i look like an idiot as i try to pull pieces of invisible spider web from my face. but oh no, i see--

a spider web is tangled up with me. i lost my head with the thought of all the stupid things i've said. oh no, what's this? a spider web, and i'm caught in the middle! so i turn to run [with the thought of all the stupid things i've done].

i never meant to cause you trouble. i never meant to do you wrong. ah well, if i ever caused you trouble, know that i never meant to do you harm.

oh no, i see a spider web and it's me in the middle! so i twist and turn. now here am i in my little bubble, singing that i never meant to cause you trouble, and i never meant to do you wrong. well, if i ever caused you trouble...god knows, i never meant to do you harm.

they spun a web for me...

trouble, coldplay


good night, all.
a new chapter...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are we getting another entry?!? I miss reading your blog!!