26 May 2008

it's the little things we've forgotten:

sometimes, all you need...

is to forget about the tornado outside, and have a little fun.

case and point: bubbles. instant stress relief.

please feel free to contact me with any questions, i'll be here all week. (part ii pertains to colouring books)


Monidipa said...

hello! just chanced upon here via six degrees of blogroll separation or something like that. and since i noticed, thought i'd mention - the ex nihilo link here doesn't work because it has http in it twice. which is prolly why your blog didn't come up on our link searches :)

twice translated said...

good catch, it's fixed now. thanks for dropping by!

i'll be sure to stop by your blog as well!

Sweta said...

Yay for bubbles! :D

Miss you, mi hermana! I hope the new apartment is awesome and that all is well! Take care & let's catch up soon? <3