03 July 2004

for meditation.

O Quietude of grief—You are my dear Companion—
my Confidant, Your ears—bent, ever ready—
await my Seasons of Sorrow—Frustration
my Tears tread in the Footsteps of God—God
and Solitude—You hasten to my Salvation.

to You, my Tears—the World stands purblind—
i cry not–with Eyes nor merely from Heart—but with the entirety of Soul.
Tears favor—fury, passion, loss—discouragement—
but above all else—
Sins of the World thrust themselves—to the Heart’s lament.

i will not share—this Cocytus rushes through me—
why must i reveal to Them—the river i cry
when They have no true Tears of their own?
and They are not brave enough—to look to my Soul—
They will not search my Eyes.

i cannot place in Them my Trust
O Quietude—O Tears—You and i must stand Together—
yet We each must walk our Paths alone—
mustn’t let Them see the Tears—the Tears that fall
for Them—and are dammed within the Soul.

for meditation.

actor Marlon Brando died today. i must say, amazing artist--his performances and talent will be replayed thousands of times over. with the sound of his death, i can imagine america, at least, drawn to the televisions for the late night tributes to the 'Einstein of the screen actors', as i believe he was described. We'll pull out all of the old Brando movies ... Godfather marathons, A Streetcar Named Desire, his only musical: Guys and Dolls. We'll smother ourselves in Brando for about a week, then get over it. But at least he's been noticed.

Someone else died today. i don't know his name, or his family, or how talented He was. but i do know that He stood as bravely as he could today, and had a staring contest with his Future. He was a soldier. perhaps not literally, but He fought for what He believed in..here we revisit an old subject: when the 11 oclock news comes on, we ignore the 'usual' reports of skirmishes among religious sects, or battles between nations of the World, or pass bombings along as 'just another terrorist act. What is the world coming to?' Sure ... we ask the question, but do we listen to it?

what is the World coming to?

Think. just use logic--those 'usual reports' aren't usual ... the people who died today are not the same people who died yesterday. different battle. different day. different Lives.


why can't i speak?

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