25 March 2004

People. Look at them ... all of them. Walking around as if the world owes them something, as if society owes them something.

They can keep it--whatever it is they get from society they can keep, because i don't want to have any part of it. i need nothing from this so called 'advanced culture'. What have we become that we weren't already? i see no change. Since the invention of 'society'--and it is an invention, society does not happen overnight and without conscious effort--the human race has made no improvements. Competition--natural competition has evolved into greed, lusts, selfishness. Everyone wants all of their desires to be filled, but worse than that ... almost needs their desires to be filled in order to be content. People weigh success and happiness and fulfillment through the tangible possessions. What happened to Life through Love? through God? through pure Joy? through People?

The meaning of Life itself has dissolved. The People of this world have decided they need to search for 'the meaning of Life'. They have stopped thinking for themselves, they accept what has been accepted for centuries. Not because they have learned to believe in anything, but because to them it is undeniable truth. Man was created above the world. Man's needs and survival are the primal concern, and exceed the needs of all else on this godforsaken earth. And there is a problem. The world is not godforsaken ... God hasn't gone anywhere. if anything, God has been forsaken by Man and 'society' has tainted truth. Man was created within the world, in harmony with the world. The needs of Man are no more important than the needs of a fish in the sea. But no one remembers this, because they don't have to. Society has implanted this idea that nothing important exists outside of culture and civilization, and People don't question it. It's accepted, just as the earth is now accepted as being round. So the basis, the foundation for these truths has been lost ... Life has been lost. Everyone forgot how to be, and now they want to know why they are.

WHY do People not think? Now, People don't know why they believe anything. How can this be acceptable ... how can anyone live without knowing what they are living for?


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