27 January 2004

Life's circles ...

Life--such a mess, but now everything is becoming so clear ... the contradiction of a lifetime. As everything seems to be falling apart, that is when life invariably tends to fall into place instead.

I've begun learning, again, from people. Not learning as you would immediately think--not arithmetic, or literature, or science. But a deeper kind of learning. A discovering of self. Should anyone happen to discover this bit of rambling of mine--do me a favour ... next time you can't sleep, or get bored, or just want an excuse to not think about work, take a moment to consider who you are. Seriously--imagine yourself, then imagine yourself 'in group'. It is humbling, I assure you. This experience should take on a progression such as the following:

Consider yourself first in your own circle. This should not be too difficult, for our culture has taught us to do this well. From here, allow your circle to expand to your household, then your college or workplace, then your community, then perhaps your state, province, or even your country--and allow your circles to expand and think of yourself in each new ripple. These circles are your life. And while you may affect everything within them, everything included in the circles also affects you. As your circles expand, your initial circle of 'self' gets relatively smaller and smaller, therefore becoming less siginificant.

And now you are one of a group, and the 'self in group' mentality is what the developed and developing world lacks. This is what our culture lacks. Just think about it. This is what I have been learning, discovering--through life and people. This is what now keeps me awake at night, sends chills down my spine, and gives me that empty feeling in the pit of my stomach--that unmistakable notion that something is incredibly wrong with the world. Perhaps you have noticed this feeling as well, because there is indeed something wrong.

This is a beginning. Consider the circles--consider who you are, and who you are not.

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